Ωράριο Λειτουργίας: Δε - Πα 07.00 - 15.00
innotrition F372332255

Press release of the INNO.TRITION project

The fourth online meeting of the project (Skype meeting) of the Research Project INNO.TRITION – “Innovative use of olive, winery and cheese waste by products in animal nutrition for the production of functional foods from animals” was successfully completed on July 22 2021.

The meeting was attended by all partners, the Chamber of Arta as Lead Partner, the Department of Agriculture of the University of Ioannina in Arta, the Aldo Moro University of Bari, Italy and the National Research Council – Institute of Food Science – ISPA, ascertaining the progress of the implementation of the Project. The Project Officer Mrs. Pierri Chrysa as well as the representative from the Joint Secretariat Mrs. Nikou Chrysoula also participated in the meeting
Mrs. Athanasia Diamantopoulou (Project Manager) opened the meeting by welcoming the partners and focusing on the health crisis that remains and its side effects. She also stressed the need to discuss and proceed with a 6-month project extension in order to accomplish the project deliverables while she continued with the presentation of the advance of the project. Then, the project team presented the research activities with specific reference to Product development and pilot application in animals, on which the research institutions presented the methodologies adopted and how they have contributed so far to the project implementation. Furthermore, the team proceeded with the presentation of the silage production experiments by analyzing the samples, how they were performed and on which measurements they focused on. Finally, the partners presented the potential users, as well as the stakeholders in Epirus that have already
registered in the platform. Furthermore, the workshops and the seminars that are planned to be presented to both stakeholders and professionals are presented.


For more information you can visit the project website: http://www.interreginnotrition.eu

Σχετικά Αρχεία:

Previous Πρόσκληση για διάθεση θέσεων μαθητείας στο Μεταλυκειακό έτος-Τάξη Μαθητείας αποφοίτων ΕΠΑ.Λ
Επιμελητήριο Άρτας
Κ.Αιτωλού & Ν.Πριοβόλου, Τ.Κ.
47100, Άρτα


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