Ωράριο Λειτουργίας: Δε - Πα 07.00 - 15.00
panipirotiki ekthesi xenoglossou vivliou F 1545988133

11η Πανηπειρωτική Έκθεση Ξενόγλωσσου Βιβλίου & Εποπτικών Μέσων 6 Απριλίου – Άρτα

Την 11η Πανηπειρωτική Έκθεση Ξενόγλωσσου Βιβλίου & Εποπτικών Μέσων διοργανώνει την Κυριακή 6 Απριλίου 2014 στο Επιμελητηριακό Μέγαρο Άρτας ο Σύλλογος Ιδιοκτητών Κέντρων Ξένων Γλωσσών Άρτας.

Ώρες λειτουργίας της Έκθεσης 10.00 πμ – 4.30 μμ. Η είσοδος είναι ελεύθερη

Στην Έκθεση του Συλλόγου λαμβάνουν μέρος: Express Publishing, Supercourse

Burlington Books, Grivas Publications, Archer Editions, Binary Logic, MM Publications, Andrew Betsis ELT, Hellenic American Union

Τhe Disabled Access Friendly Campaign

 Οι συμμετέχοντες θα λάβουν Certificate of Attendance

Στη Γραμματεία θα πωλούνται πασχαλινές λαμπάδες που έχουν φτιάξει με όλη τους την αγάπη τα παιδιά του Πρότυπου Κέντρου Επαγγελματικής Κατάρτισης Ατόμων με Ειδικές Ανάγκες ‘ ΑΓΙΑ ΘΕΟΔΩΡΑ’ για την ενίσχυση του Κέντρου.



11:00-11:30 Τop Team, Burlington Books’ brand new coursebook series for junior classes, is filled with action-packed activities and adventures

11:30-12:00 Real English B2 completes Burlington Books’ exciting new coursebook series developed exclusively for students in Greece. All three books in the series include the 2015 FCE specifications

Speaker:  Katerina Kani, ELT Consultant, Burlington Books

12.00-13.00 NEW! On Screen B1+/B2/B2+: Educate, excite and inspire your students with On Screen series, while preparing them for all the English examinations at B1 – B2 + CEFR Levels.

Cross-Platform Digital Applications: Discover our Amazing World!

Speaker :  Express Publishing

13.00-13.30 SPOT ON 1,2,3,4 – The ideal coursebook series for A,B,C,D.

Speaker:  Grivas Publications

13.30 – 14.00  SUPER JUNIOR A & SUPER JUNIOR A to B : TWO BRAND – NEW SERIES FOR YOUNG LEARNERS! SUPER JUNIOR A & SUPER JUNIOR A to B are designed to be taught in two teaching sessions a week, meeting the current market demand for fewer teaching hours and reduced tuition fees.  Both courses are accompanied by an i-book, with attractive illustrations, high quality animation and catchy songs that appeal to today’s young students. FREE SAMPLE COPIES WILL BE DISTRIBUTED.

Speaker:  Μπέλλας Διαμαντής, Super Course Publications

14.15 – 15.15            LUNCH BREAK

15.15 – 16.15   ‘ Listen to your eyes By introducing art into ELT, our learners become more culturally aware and their critical abilities are enhanced. Through interaction with artworks students learn about the influences of cultures, society and generational differences. While looking at art across the genres students begin to understand and reflect on their emotions and make connections between art and other disciplines. Integrating art stimulates visual learning.

Speaker : Julia Alivertis, ELT Teacher / Trainer

Julia Alivertis has been an EFL teacher for more than 25 years. She has worked both privately and as a secondary education state school teacher in Greece.

She holds a summa cum laude BA in 'ELT and Greek language and literature' from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She has been awarded several scholarships, which enabled her to attend teacher training and methodology courses. She has worked as a part-time teacher trainer for state school teachers since 2000 and has been involved in the KPG exam (the State Certificate of Foreign Language Proficiency) both as Exam Co-ordinator and Oral Examiner since 2003. A firm believer in life-long learning and CPD, Julia is an active member of TESOL Greece and has coorganised the two TG International events in Preveza . She has taken part as a speaker in many International ELT Conferences and is one of the Disabled Access Friendly Campaign Ambassadors.

Previous ΚΑΠΕ: Επιχειρησιακό Σχέδιο για την υλοποίηση Ενεργειακά Αποδοτικών Δημόσιων Προμηθειών [ΕΑΔΠ]
Οδηγός Άρτας
Επιμελητήριο Άρτας
Κ.Αιτωλού & Ν.Πριοβόλου, Τ.Κ.
47100, Άρτα

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